6 things that can cause a delay in getting your Registered Number from NTC. Take note

By | May 22, 2021

The National Teaching Council has raised six things that can cause a delay for a teacher to get his or her registered number.

Most Teachers have complained about registering on the Ghana Teachers portal for a long time but have not received their registered numbers. Below are some of the things that can cause a teacher’s registered number to delay.

I. If a teacher fails to register on the Teachers portal Ghana tpg.ntc.gov.gh
ii. If for one reason or the other a teacher fails to upload his professional certificate or first appointment letter or both.
iii. If a teacher has changed his or her name but fail to upload the gazette or affidavit
iv if a teacher failed to fill in all the required spaces on the NTC Teachers portal
v. If a teacher failed to save his or her details after filling in all the required details
vi. If you failed to attend queries sent to you via email or SMS.

These are some of the challenges that can cause a delay for a teacher to get his or her registered number and if you don’t have a registered number and the NTC officials comes to your circuit, you will be delayed at the center

But If a teacher has done all this successfully but still can’t get his or her registered number. The National Teaching Council NTC is encouraging you to wait patiently till the NTC team gets to your Region.

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2 thoughts on “6 things that can cause a delay in getting your Registered Number from NTC. Take note


    I try to register but i couldn’t do.I went to a cafe that the portal is not opening.

    1. Admin Post author

      Keep on trying, it usually happens when a lot of people are working on the website


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