College of Education Studies has handed over 15 books to the Sam Jonah Library

By | March 11, 2021

The College of Education Studies has handed over fifteen books donated by the Technical Education Development to Modernise Agriculture in Ghana – University of Missouri Assistance Programme (TEDMAG-UMAP), to the Sam Jonah Library.

The Provost of the College of Education Studies, Prof. Ernest Kofi Davis, explained that the books were part of TEDMAG-UMAP’s proramme to improve the communication and teaching skills of teachers in Agriculture Colleges of Education across the country. He also explained that the project was to train Agriculture teachers to teach students in ways that will help them to learn the subject properly.

Prof. Davis indicated that the books were high quality international books on education. He said, “I believe once our faculty and students access these books, the quality of knowledge they will gain through its use will be comparable to the knowledge they would have obtained anywhere in the world.”

The University Librarian, Dr. Mac Anthony Cobblah, expressed appreciation to the Provost of the College of Education for the donation saying, “any initiative that will helps us to receive books from additional sources is always welcome.” He gave the assurance that the University Library would process and shelve the books at the College of Education library as reference books accessible to students and Lecturers. He also promised to populate all the UCC Library platforms with information on accessing the books.

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