The management of the Ghana Education Service has officially outlined the guidelines as to how schools management will distribute the intervention allowance among various officers in the schools.
The Minister of Education Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum last week made it clear during the GBC breakfast show that the intervention allowance has been released for the payment of teachers in senior high schools.
Most headmasters and their staff in the various senior high schools across the country were patiently waiting for the intervention fund to hit their school accounts as stated by the Education minister. Since the intervention allowance is paid to deserving teachers on tabletops, management of the Ghana Education Service as detailed to the headmaster of various schools the procedure to follow in sharing the intervention fund to ensure fairness in the payment.
GES stated that for the avoidance of doubt, Management refers to the following officers:
• Head
• Assistants
• Senior Housemaster/Mistress
• Bursar
GES also calls on the management of various schools to ensure that special attention is given to the kitchen staff.
It is the expectation of Management that, the Cost Centre Managers will manage the distribution to ensure fairness in terms of participation in the general management of the intervention programme.
what about transfer grants payment what are measure is put in place
what about transfer grants payment what are measure is put in place intervention allowances kudos to minister