GNAT themed 90th Business Forum: making teachers economically sound meanwhile teachers are still in hardship.

By | June 25, 2021

The Ghana National Association of Teachers GNAT yesterday held their 90th Business Forum; themed Beyond Teachers Mutual fund: making our teachers economically sound.

This conference was held at the Bediako conference Hall in Accra on 25th June 2021. What most concerned teachers can’t understand is as of now, the biggest Teachers union, Ghana National Association of Teachers GNAT is celebrating its 90th Business Forum meanwhile most Teachers find it difficult to access GNAT mutual fund loans at low interest.

Most teachers have complained about the policy instituted by the leadership of GNAT when it comes to accessing mutual funds loans. Some teachers have talked about the fact that they were asked to increase their mutual fund contribution before they can be allowed to access the GNAT mutual fund loan meanwhile GNAT has themed their 90th Business Forum making teachers economically sound.

There are other sections of Teachers who complained about the high interest rates of GNAT mutual fund loans which is indirectly killing members who are direct contributors to this mutual fund. Most teachers have called for the reduction in the interest rate of the GNAT mutual fund to reduce the financial burden on them since they are primary contributors to the mutual fund.

READ:  Teachers who apply for Upgrading will be put on scale by September 2022 - GNAT

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