According to source the New National minimum wage for public sector workers to be out by Wednesday 19th of May 2021. All public sector workers are expecting a positive outcome to cushion them in this high economic crisis
All those Teachers who deserve the responsibility allowance and filled a template recently will be put on it by the close of June 2021. It could be recalled that teachers who were beneficiaries of the responsibility allowance were asked to fill template for validation
On the issue of upgrading of Teachers. All those teachers with upgrading issues have to fill a form from the Directorate. Before a teacher could fill the upgrading form at the directorate he or she has to check at the Ghana Education Service (Ges) upgrading table to see whether he or she qualified for upgrading this year. Click here to check the GES upgrading table
On promotion the result of the apptitude test is yet to be released, expect it soon. Please ignore any earlier notification on social media that says that the 2021 promotion test results are out
Biometric registration
The last batch of teachers who are yet to do their biometric registration will start on Monday 17th May to 18th May 2021 at GNAT headquarters, Accra.
Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) encourages Members who had problems with their tier 2 pension payment should exercise patience, there’s a new formula out to pay the past credit.
Registration is ongoing on the NTC portal. The Ghana National Association of Teachers encourages all its members to go to the National Teaching Council Teachers portal to fill in their details for licenses. No Teacher should be left out.
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