Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations to determine the national minimum wage

By | April 18, 2021

The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) present it’s compliments and has the pleasure to respectfully inviting you to a meeting of National Tripartite Committee.

Many public sector workers have complained about the government not increasing the salaries of public sector workers meanwhile there have been increased in goods and services in the country.

The announcement of this meeting by the ministry of employment and labor relation may somehow give hope to public sector workers as people await to see how the outcome of this meeting will be.

The meeting according to the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relation is scheduled to take off on Thursday, 22nd April 2021 at the conference room in the ministry of employment and labor Relations Office at exactly 10:00 am.

The purpose of this meeting according to the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relation is to commence negotiations on the determination of the minimum daily wage of Ghanaian citizens in the country.

Many Ghanaians wait to see whether the negotiations will go in favor of the general public that will in a way cushion them to help them cope with the rising prices of goods and services in the country.

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