NAGRAT has called for 2023 base pay negotiation to kick start before the end of 30th June 2022

By | June 8, 2022

The leadership of the National Association of Graduate Teachers NAGRAT has threatened to embark on strike if the government fails to commence the payment of Teachers’ Cost of living Allowance COLA.

Speaking to the media the vice president of NAGRAT, Jacob Annaba explained many reasons for their demand for the allowance including the economic hardship teachers are going through.

“We are per this conference serving notice to those who matter that their attitude towards the call by the Union to add COLA to the suffering Ghanaian worker is leaving us with no alternative than to respond to the insensate demands of our members.

“We, therefore, demand that as a matter of urgency the government grant workers a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) of 20% at the end of June 2022. Secondly, we demand that the national tripartite committee, a body mandated by law per Section 113 of the Labor Act 2003 Act 6,5,1 must act as a matter of urgency to determine the new minimum wage for the year 2003 by the middle of June 2022,” Jacob explained

The vice president of NAGRAT further noted that public sector joint Committee negotiation must also kick start the process for the determination of base pay for the year 2023 before the end of June 2022.

“Leadership will be left with no option than to declare a strike action by the end of July 2022 if all the requests made are not adhered to. We therefore as leaders yield to the demands of our members for positive action beginning with the wearing of red bands by the end of June 2022 if the demands made are not met,” the Vice President stated.

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Mr. Jacob Annaba added that “We further instruct all our regional and zonal secretariat to hoist red flags in front of our offices with immediate effect.”

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