Observe February 17th As National Mathematics Day – GES Charges Directors Of Education

By | February 16, 2021

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has directed all regional and district directors of education to observe February 17 this year as National Mathematics Day in all first and second-cycle schools across the country.
It reminded the directors of education that “the day is earmarked for only mathematics activities in our schools throughout the country”.

A letter dated February 8, 2021, to all regional directors of education signed by the Director of Schools and Instructions of the GES, Mrs. Patty E. Assan, indicated that a national virtual durbar with stakeholders would be organized at the Science Education Unit in Accra alongside the regional and district school activities.

February 14

It said the National Mathematics Day, which should have been celebrated on February 14, 2021, had been moved to Wednesday, February 17, 2021, since February 14 fell on a Sunday.
February 14 every year is celebrated as St Valentine’s Day, where people show their love and affection for one another.

However, the day has been adopted by the GES for students to show love for mathematics to help break the myth surrounding the subject which is seen as difficult for many students.

The poor performance of students in the subject over the years is evidence of the challenge students have with the subject.
There was, however, an improvement in the subject last year where performance improved from 65.31 percent in 2019 to 65.71 percent in 2020.

Mathematics society

Science Education Unit (National STEM Centre) of the Ghana Education Service (GES) in collaboration with the Ghana Mathematics Society (GMS) set aside February 14 of every year to be observed as National Mathematics Day.

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The objective of celebrating the day is to raise awareness among people of the importance of Mathematics.

During the day, the letter said basic and second cycle students and teachers were to engage in mathematics activities to celebrate the day including hands-on or practical sessions and that “this should be done at the Kindergarten to the Senior High School (SHS) level.

It said the directors could organize a debate on the motion “mathematics is a necessity for nation-building” and that this should be done at the junior high to the SHS level

Again, it said there should be a mathematics quiz competition for JHS and SHS students and that “this should be done at the school with two students from each class”.

“Regional science coordinators are to submit collated reports from the districts to the director-general through the director, schools, and instructions on schoolsandinstructions @ges.gov.gh.

“The reports must include pictures of the various activities conducted. Coordinators must ensure strict adherence to all the COVID-19 protocols,” it emphasized.

The letter was copied to the Director-General of the GES, Prof. Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa, a Deputy Director-General in charge of M&S, Mr. Anthony Boateng and a Deputy Director-General in charge of Quality and Access, Dr. Kwabena Bempah Tandoh, as well as the director of the Science Education Unit of the GES

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