Official updates to all GES 2023 promotions applicants

By | February 20, 2023

The Management of the Ghana Education Service brings to the notice of all staff due for promotion, the dates, time and centres for the February/March 2023 promotion. Please find attached dates and examination centres for all ranks.

  1. Index Numbers of qualified shortlisted candidates have been sent by SMS to the
    mobile numbers provided on the applicant form.
  2. Names and Index Numbers of all candidates are accessible at all District/Municipal/Metro/Regional Education Offices and Examination Centres. Kindly check your details at least three (3) working days before the day of examination.
  3. The tollowing Centres have been dedicated to candidates with special needs particularly visualy challenged candidates to write their Examination: Wesley
    College-Kumasi; Presbyterian College of Education-Akropong and NJA College of Education-Wa.
  4. Candidates who may need special assistance during the Examination should make all the necessary contacts and arrangements at least three (3) working days before the day of Examination.
  5. Shortlisted candidates should channel any complaint through their District/Municipal/Metro Education Offices to the GES Headquarters, before the Examination day for redress. NOTE: Candidates without index numbers should not report to the Examination Centre.
  6. Candidates have been sent SMS messages indicating their Staff ld, Index numbers and Exam centres.
  7. Candidates will be required to quote their Staff ld and Index numbers during exams.
  8. Candidates initially placed at Gbewaa College of Education have been moved to St. John
    Bosco’s College of Education.
  9. The following centres have been dedicated to candidates with special needs (particularly visually challenged candidates) to write their exams: Wesley College- Kumasi; Presbyterian College of Education- Akropong and NJA College of Education – Wa.
  10. Promotion exams questions will cover the following areas: Knowledge of MOE and GES, School and Classroom Management/Theories of Teaching and Learning. Curriculum Development, Assessment/Evaluation, Office Practices, Contemporary National and International Issues, Educational Administration and Management.
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a. Principal Superintendents (75 Multiple choice/True or False questions)
b. Assistant Director II (75 Multiple choice/True or False questions)
c.Assistant Director I (75 Multiple choice/True or Falise questions)
d. Deputy Director (60 Multiple choice questions/True or False and 15 Fill in questions)

  1. Candidates who may need special assistance during the examination should make all the necessary contacts and arrangements before the day of the examination. Names and Index Numbers of all candidates are accessible at the Regional Education/Metro/Municipal/District Education Offices and all examination centres. Candidates must present a National Identification Card bearing their names and photo at the examination centres.

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