Refund the income tax and the double NTC fee of our allowance – Teachers to GES, NTC&CAGD

By | November 23, 2021

Yesterday, 22nd November 2021 the validation voucher for November 2021 window was open for validation of government employees, most teachers were anticipating seeing the reflection of their continuous professional development allowance on the validation voucher.

But it was rather unfortunate that there was so much unexplainable deduction on teachers’ professional allowance which was the recurrent National Teaching Council NTC license fee of GH¢100 and a tax of GH¢210. Most teachers had their teacher’s laptops money deducted from their allowance.

Now most of them are so confused and worried why there should be a continuous deduction of the NTC license fee that was deducted last year of which the majority of the teachers have not yet received their license card which will last for three years before they will renew it.

Teachers have seen this to be a complete cheat for NTC to deduct their money twice meanwhile teachers have not yet received their license and therefore call for the refund of their money.

Also the income tax deduction of GH¢210, last year same thing repeated and the cry of teachers made the government to refund that amount. Teachers are saying that the professional allowance is nontaxable and also in the collective agreement the allowance is not taxable, for controller and Accountant General Department to tax this year’s teacher’s professional allowance is unfair and for that matter, the teachers are calling for the refund of the money.

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