Relevant information every teacher should know about NTC Licensing

By | May 22, 2021

The National Teaching Council (NTC) has brought out relevant information that every teacher needs to know about the licensing and registration of teachers in Ghana. Below are some answers to some questions which you should know as a teacher concerning licensing of Teachers.

What will cause your delay at the license Centre?
When you have not received your Registered Number as a Teacher before you move to your Centre when the NTC team visits your Region. You will be delayed at the center to go through all the processes again.

What might have caused your Registered Number to delay?
These are some of the main cause of delay in getting your Registered Number as a teacher
I. If you do not register on the TPG portal. Click here to access the portal
ii. When a teacher has changed his or her name but fail to upload a gazette or affidavit
iii. When a teacher failed to upload his professional certificate or first appointment letter
iv. When a teacher failed to fill in all the required details on the portal
v. When a teacher does save his or her details after filling
vi. When a teacher failed to read SMS or emails sent to him or her by NTC

If you have a challenge or problem you must contact NTC on 0302986325/0504962042/0248482180 or you can send them an email message through

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READ:  NAGRAT call on Teachers to log onto the NTC website to provide the data required for a license

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