Teacher unions leaders asked Gov’t to refer to organized Labour for negotiation on COLA

By | July 14, 2022

The leadership of the teacher unions in Education has asked the government to always refer to the leadership of the Organized Labour for every engagement on Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) going forward.

In a letter to the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relation, minister of Education, and the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission the teacher unions in Education said going forward “all negotiations on COLA should be referred to the leadership of the Organized Labour”

The full statement of the Teacher unions letter to the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission on the 14th of July 2022 said “We write about meetings that we have been having with government,

At a meeting with the leadership of Organized Labour, it was agreed that going forward, all interactions about the demand for COLA should be referred to the Leadership of Organized Labour.”

READ:  Gov't has agreed to give Organized Labour 15% of COLA

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