Teachers need interest free loans to build houses not mortgages – NAGRAT

By | January 7, 2022

The members of the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) have joined the call that government should allow teachers to take interest-free loans to build their homes rather than letting their own house through mortgage.

The vice president of NAGRAT has stated that the union has welcomed the idea of a housing scheme for teachers but currently what their members need is interest-free loans.

President Akufo Addo during the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) 6th Quadrennial and 53rd National Delegate conference at Kumasi promised to let teachers own houses through a mortgage or other prefer means like rent to own.

“Through a subsidized loan program, teachers would be provided with an opportunity to own houses in desired locations in various parts of the country. I am fully aware that one of the challenges facing the teacher is the ownership of homes. Beyond the finance is their inability to purchase homes where they intend to retire. ” Akufo Addo said

“Within the next two years, it is proposed that 10,000 housing units on affordable terms will be developed for teachers across the country”, he added.

But speaking during the Citi News interview, the vice president of NAGRAT Jacob Annaba stated that they will choose an interest-free loan package for their members to build their own houses.

He explained that the mortgage house may be situated in areas where their members may not like but when they are given interest-free loans they can build at the place they so desire.

“Our members are scattered all over the country and some have already bought lands and have started development and reached certain stages either the foundation stage or even roofing level. So they just need some little support in the form of loans to complete the building. With regard to the mortgage, the company may build in areas where our members are not interested in but if they are given the money, they can build in their own areas.” Jacob Anaba stated

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