A clinical microbiologist and lecturer at the department of medical diagnostic at Kwame Nkrumah University of science and technology have called on the government to consider taking a firm decision in closing down lower primary schools due to the recent increase in the case of the virus in Ghana.
According to the virologist, the inability of children below the age of six years to wear nose mask is worrying and disheartening, these children can’t wear nose mask for a long period of time and as a result of that, they must ask to stay in the house rather than Coming to school. A nose mask has been considered to be one of the preventive measures that can help one to be safe from this pandemic but because these children below the age of six years can’t wear nose masks, the virologist asks the government to close down those lower primary and kindergarten classes.
Although, these children when they contract this virus experience mild symptoms Like a mild cough, sneezing, and runny nose, which do not have much effect on their lives but we shouldn’t take it to be good news to us because these children are potential carriers of the virus to their parents in the houses who are grown-ups and this can have negative effects on their parents. So, because these children can carry this virus from school to their parents in the house, the virologist called on the government to closed down lower primary schools.
He added that those in boarding school should be allowed to stay there because when the virus breaks there it can easily be contained but those moving from house to school and vice versa are those we should be worried about because these children can easily contract the virus from their friends in the school and transmit it to their parents in the house hence government should consider locking down lower primary during his next address to the nation.