University student kicked against the idea of increasing the retirement age to 65years

By | February 19, 2021

The rate of unemployment among graduate in Ghana is high which in the year 2019 it was estimated to be about 4.33% which is a 0.17% increase from the 2018 figure. Most students in university now are thinking of what to do after completion from school because it seems like only those who have representatives in a big position get employed after completing a university program.

Last week the vice-chancellor of the university for Development studies bemoaned the fact that after 11,000 Students who were offered admission to read the various courses in the university refused to honor the admission and the reason could not be far from my own opinion that this student fears that they may not get employ after the program that is why the refused to honor the university admissions.

Honorable Mahama Ayariga the member of parliament for Bakwu central proposed in parliament yesterday that the compulsory retirement age of public sector workers which is 60 years as provided by the constitution, the pension act and the civil service Act 1993 should be reviewed to 65 years to enable civil servant to be able work effectively for the development of the nation.

But this idea by the honorable member of parliament for Bakwu central, Mahama Ayariga was strongly opposed by the university student of Ghana in the country. The students are of the view that 60years is enough for a public sector worker to retire and go home and rest.

When joy news interviews the students, they complained of waisting their knowledge the acquired in the university in sought of them to be working and utilizing their brains, they rather acquired this knowledge in the university and return home doing nothing.

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They are saying that due to the unemployment ratio in the country when a person is due for retirement the person should give way and also allow fresh and young brains to also take the affairs of the institutions, we should not allowed older people who are supposed to be resting in the house still occupying our public institutions whiles our young graduate from the University roaming jobless.

Speaking to labour consultant seth Abloso on Joy news at 7:00pm based on Act 766, he was of the views that before any review can be done to the compulsory retirement age of 60 as spelt out by the constitution he said we should look at the Act 766 very carefully before thinking of reviewing the age to 65years

The growing unemployment rate in the country is very alarming and we as a country need to up our games by looking at proactive measures that can get this our teeming unemployed graduate to find them something to do as the saying always goes the “devil find hands for the idle hands” else we will have ourselves blamed shortly.

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